
Date: 04/26/2021

The Challenge - How do I do Parallel ForEach Async?

I would like to execute a function on a List whose input parameter is each element of my List<T>.
e.g., Perform this function against each integer in my list of ints.


Additional Ask

Wait! I would like for it to not block (asynchronous) and fire in parallel/concurrently to decrease execution time, but also not be prone to burst/spike traffic.

Oof 😖. That's not as easy, but let's make it happen

IEnumerable Extension Method

Well this is both a straightforward request, but a little complicated to make. We don't quite have the built in tools for those specific requirements. Luckily though, there are still a couple of options to get started with.

The following handy extension method I have written was ready to go. I have used it a few times in the past and it is really good for simple use cases where you just need to do X thing against each Y element.

Is it it perfect? No, but its a good enough area and easy to implement with existing code.

The idea behind this method is that you have a List<T> of items and you want to fire the same Function/Action against each element of the list. This scenario is extremely common in backend services. You have many Things and each Thing has to be saved to a database for example. The item could be an Order and the action could be SaveToDatabaseAsync(). Another example, could be charge payments from a queue, where you are given a list of payments to process and there is no bulk processing solution, etc.

How this works:

  1. Take an IEnumerable and dissect it into partitions.
    • The partition count is determined by your maxDoP value.
      • This will determine how many actions are firing max at any one time.
  2. For each Partition, in parallel, get the current element.
  3. Invoke the supplied function with that element as the input argument.
  4. Repeat till all partitions' elements have been processed or until exception occurs.

Update: One note I would make, you don't have to keep maxDoP identical to your CPU core/logical processor count. A good rule of thumb is often 12 x Logical Processors. Testing is really required for this which will be unique per system. Be sure to try multiple values for peak performance. Especially if this is frequent called code in multiple places, or sharing with a AspNetCore Web.Api.

using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace ParallelForEachAsync
    public static class Program
        public static async Task Main()

            var myStrings = new List<string>

            // For each string in myStrings, parallelly and asynchronously, call ProcessMessageAsync against each element.
            // Limit the maximum calls to logical processor count of the environment.
            await myStrings.ParallelForEachAsync(ProcessMessageAsync, Environment.ProcessorCount);

        public static async Task ProcessMessageAsync(string input)
            await Console.Out.WriteLineAsync($"Processing Message: {input}");

        public static Task ParallelForEachAsync<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source, Func<T, Task> funcBody, int maxDoP = 4)
            async Task AwaitPartition(IEnumerator<T> partition)
                using (partition)
                    while (partition.MoveNext())
                        await Task.Yield(); // prevents a sync/hot thread hangup
                        await funcBody(partition.Current);

            return Task.WhenAll(
                    .Select(p => AwaitPartition(p)));

We added await Task.Yield() to force asynchronous scheduled pattern. This is absolutely necessary for scenarios where the Task is CPU heavy immediately and would prevent scheduling/concurrency. Instead of using Task.Run(() => { ... }) for the entire thing I used PLINQ (AsParallel()). In my mind was cleaner and matched the coding pattern while also performing nearly the same thing. I used a local function instead of a lambda because they perform better and are lower on the allocations.

  • You want the performance to be adjustable (maxDoP).
    • This allows you to control the "burst" of resources used by setting a maximum cap to simultaneously process.
  • You want the function to be generic so it is re-usable code.
  • It is written as a convenience extension method that all IEnumerables could perform.
  • If an exception occurs it occurs here and not in the background.
  • Will handle high computation Task that block further scheduling/executions till it finishes (hot loop etc.).
  • It is also looks incredibly clean/sexy if you ask me.
  • Borderline close to the ActionBlock/Dataflow use case.
  • Exceptions interfere with unfinished executions (but that maybe desireable).
  • Not the most efficient Parallel way of doing it but still plenty faster than synchronous and sequential calls.
    • Still one of the cleanest.
Have an issue? Make an Edit and Pull Request here :)