C# / Net: Compression/Decompression - Part Deux

Date: 08/15/2021

The Challenge

How can I write a better implementation of those Gzip compression examples?

Additional Asks/Constraints
  1. Continue to use Stream as a core mechanic.


Let's continue our work from the last guide (part one).

We will be taking those basic examples and finding ways to improve them in terms of memory allocation and general performance.

Let's start with a code reference below.

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.Compression;

public byte[] Compress(byte[] data)
    using var compressedStream = new MemoryStream();
    using (var gzipStream = new GZipStream(compressedStream, CompressionLevel.Optimal, false))

    return compressedStream.ToArray();

public byte[] Decompress(byte[] compressedData)
    using var uncompressedStream = new MemoryStream();

    using (var compressedStream = new MemoryStream(compressedData))
    using (var gzipStream = new GZipStream(compressedStream, CompressionMode.Decompress, false))

    return uncompressedStream.ToArray();

We have a couple of ways of improving some of that code.

Let's go ahead and return ArraySegment<byte>. This will enable us to extract the buffer out of the MemoryStream and defer allocate it.

public CompressionLevel CompressionLevel { get; set; } = CompressionLevel.Optimal;

public ArraySegment<byte> Compress(ReadOnlyMemory<byte> inputData)
    using var compressedStream = new MemoryStream();
    using (var gzipStream = new GZipStream(compressedStream, CompressionLevel, false))

    if (compressedStream.TryGetBuffer(out var buffer))
    { return buffer; }
    { return compressedStream.ToArray(); }

For the decompress, we will do the same. But we are going to add a 3rd party library from Microsoft to keep the code clean and SAFE!

Code Detour 3 - A Safer Way To Decompress

If you remember last time, it wasn't easy to convert ReadOnlyMemory<byte> to a Stream. I found a work around using fixed keyword and unsafe compilation.

That looked like this.

public unsafe byte[] UnsafeDecompress(ReadOnlyMemory<byte> compressedData)
    fixed (byte* pBuffer = &compressedData.Span[0])
        using var uncompressedStream = new MemoryStream();
        using (var compressedStream = new UnmanagedMemoryStream(pBuffer, compressedData.Length))
        using (var gzipStream = new GZipStream(compressedStream, CompressionMode.Decompress, false))

    return uncompressedStream.ToArray();

It's not the prettiest or the most straightforward code, but it did work well.

What works better is this NuGet package (document links at the bottom).

using CommunityToolkit.HighPerformance;

The library has awesome pre-coded helpers for these "stuck between a rock and a hard place" scenarios. Specifically, for our needs though, you need to visit the ReadOnlyMemory<T> extensions section. It gives us this beauty.

ReadOnlyMemory<byte> compressedData;

With this new library/tooling, it allows us to write the code like so.

public ArraySegment<byte> Decompress(ReadOnlyMemory<byte> compressedData)
    using var uncompressedStream = new MemoryStream();
    using (var gzipStream = new GZipStream(compressedData.AsStream(), CompressionMode.Decompress, false))

    if (uncompressedStream.TryGetBuffer(out var buffer))
    { return buffer; }
    { return uncompressedStream.ToArray(); }

The best part is that its not just for Microsoft/Windows as I confirmed it would be, and is, working on *nix OS.

Next, we are going to improve performance on decompress by using an old Gzip of grabbing the original uncompressed data length. Now this one won't improve performance for a single call, but it will for thousands of decompressions.

Let's look at the last 8 bytes of Gzipped data, which is appended after the Compressed data payload. The first 4 bytes (of 8) are used for CRC32. The last 4 bytes is the ISIZE, a little endian integer of the original payload size.

// RFC GZIP - The Last 8 Bytes
// https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc1952
// [ 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 ]
// +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
// |     CRC32     |     ISIZE     |
// +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
// ISIZE - This contains the size of the original (uncompressed) input data modulo 2^32.
// Due to Little Endian format of ISIZE, its better to mentally re-arrange the bytes.
// ex.) [ 3, 2, 1, 0 ]
// Viable strategies for reading this value with respect to little endian byte ordering:
// var length = ([3] << 24) | ([2] << 24) + ([1] << 8) + [0];
// var length ((((([3] << 8) | [2]) << 8) | [1]) << 8) | [0];
// var length = BitConverter.ToInt32(lastFour); // not sure why this works, must internally check

Armed with that knowledge, let's write our own helper methods that extract the original payload length. There are some gotchas to this but they most likely aren't going to apply at this level or to the general use case. Some notable ones are file size limitations (2^32) and this setup will not work for archive/cab/library systems (i.e. WinRAR file breakup.)

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;

public static class CompressionHelpers
    public static int GetGzipUncompressedLength(ReadOnlyMemory<byte> compressedData)
        return BitConverter.ToInt32(compressedData.Slice(compressedData.Length - 4, 4).Span);

    public static int GetGzipUncompressedLength(Stream stream)
        Span<byte> uncompressedLength = stackalloc byte[4];
        stream.Position = stream.Length - 4;
        stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
        return BitConverter.ToInt32(uncompressedLength);

Code Detour 1

We used stackalloc as this ends up being a low-level performance optimization at the cost of creating 4 additional bytes. A stack allocated memory block created during the method execution is automatically discarded when that method returns and is not subject to Garbarge Collection and doesn't need to be pinned with a fix statement either.

Code Detour 2

We also added [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] to our helping functions after testing with it on and off. It makes near no difference on a single call, but hundreds and thousands of calls led to some savings in execution time.

MS document links for both are at the bottom of the page.

Now, we will apply it to the Decompress method. This will allow us to initialize that uncompressedStream with the correct size array and prevent the need for any size increases.

public ArraySegment<byte> Decompress(ReadOnlyMemory<byte> compressedData)
    using var uncompressedStream = new MemoryStream();

Turns into this.

public ArraySegment<byte> Decompress(ReadOnlyMemory<byte> compressedData)
    using var uncompressedStream = new MemoryStream(CompressionHelpers.GetGzipUncompressedLength(compressedData));

That will get us to our final destination for a better decompress.

public ArraySegment<byte> Decompress(ReadOnlyMemory<byte> compressedData)
    using var uncompressedStream = new MemoryStream(CompressionHelpers.GetGzipUncompressedLength(compressedData));
    using (var gzipStream = new GZipStream(compressedData.AsStream(), CompressionMode.Decompress, false))

    if (uncompressedStream.TryGetBuffer(out var buffer))
    { return buffer; }
    { return uncompressedStream.ToArray(); }

Now, let's create a Stream based Compress/Decompress too! This time around let's allow the function the option to close the Stream and guard against a Stream being given to us with the Position at the wrong place (in this example, the position was at the end already.) The Stream being at the end is one of the most common head scratching issues I run into with developers. There is no error, but they basically end up compressing 0 bytes and no one way to tell what's wrong at first glance. There is some inherent danger of always setting the Stream to the beginning. It may not be the developer's intention to zip everything in the stream (i.e. offset → stream length).

public MemoryStream Compress(Stream inputStream, bool leaveStreamOpen = false)
    if (inputStream.Position == inputStream.Length) { inputStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); }

    var compressedStream = new MemoryStream();
    using (var gzipStream = new GZipStream(compressedStream, CompressionLevel, true))
    if (!leaveStreamOpen) { inputStream.Close(); }

    compressedStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
    return compressedStream;

public MemoryStream Decompress(Stream compressedStream, bool leaveStreamOpen = false)
    if (compressedStream.Position == compressedStream.Length) { compressedStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); }

    var uncompressedStream = new MemoryStream(CompressionHelpers.GetGzipUncompressedLength(compressedStream));
    using (var gzipStream = new GZipStream(compressedStream, CompressionMode.Decompress, leaveStreamOpen))

    return uncompressedStream;


This the end result of all the improvements over the basic versions of the code.

// * Summary *

BenchmarkDotNet=v0.13.0, OS=Windows 10.0.19043.1165 (21H1/May2021Update)
AMD Ryzen 9 5950X, 1 CPU, 32 logical and 16 physical cores
.NET SDK=5.0.302
  [Host]   : .NET 5.0.8 (5.0.821.31504), X64 RyuJIT
  .NET 5.0 : .NET 5.0.8 (5.0.821.31504), X64 RyuJIT

Job=.NET 5.0  Runtime=.NET 5.0

|                               Method |    x |        Mean |     Error |      StdDev |      Median | Ratio | RatioSD |    Gen 0 |   Gen 1 | Gen 2 | Allocated | Decrease |
|------------------------------------- |----- |------------:|----------:|------------:|------------:|------:|--------:|---------:|--------:|------:|----------:|---------:|
|      BasicCompressDecompress_5KBytes |   10 |    213.3 us |   4.25 us |     9.14 us |    215.8 us |  1.00 |    0.00 |   6.5918 |       - |     - |    109 KB |      - % |
|                 GzipProvider_5KBytes |   10 |    203.5 us |   4.06 us |    10.98 us |    210.1 us |  0.94 |    0.05 |   3.4180 |       - |     - |     59 KB | 45.872 % |
|           GzipProviderStream_5KBytes |   10 |    206.5 us |   4.11 us |    10.97 us |    210.9 us |  0.96 |    0.06 |   3.4180 |       - |     - |     58 KB | 46.789 % |
|                                      |      |             |           |             |             |       |         |          |         |       |           |          |
|      BasicCompressDecompress_5KBytes |  100 |  2,188.8 us |  42.41 us |    47.14 us |  2,195.4 us |  1.00 |    0.00 |  66.4063 |       - |     - |  1,088 KB |      - % |
|                 GzipProvider_5KBytes |  100 |  1,909.6 us |  29.74 us |    27.82 us |  1,911.0 us |  0.87 |    0.02 |  35.1563 |       - |     - |    588 KB | 45.956 % |   
|           GzipProviderStream_5KBytes |  100 |  1,897.6 us |  22.44 us |    18.73 us |  1,892.8 us |  0.86 |    0.02 |  35.1563 |       - |     - |    583 KB | 46.415 % |
|                                      |      |             |           |             |             |       |         |          |         |       |           |          |
|      BasicCompressDecompress_5KBytes |  500 | 11,190.1 us | 213.12 us |   218.86 us | 11,148.9 us |  1.00 |    0.00 | 328.1250 |       - |     - |  5,438 KB |      - % |
|                 GzipProvider_5KBytes |  500 | 10,144.5 us | 214.08 us |   631.21 us | 10,449.1 us |  0.84 |    0.06 | 171.8750 |       - |     - |  2,938 KB | 45.973 % |
|           GzipProviderStream_5KBytes |  500 | 11,105.7 us | 143.25 us |   126.99 us | 11,110.2 us |  0.99 |    0.03 | 171.8750 |       - |     - |  2,914 KB | 46.414 % |
|                                      |      |             |           |             |             |       |         |          |         |       |           |          |
|      BasicCompressDecompress_5KBytes | 1000 | 20,582.4 us | 422.06 us | 1,237.82 us | 21,169.3 us |  1.00 |    0.00 | 656.2500 |       - |     - | 10,875 KB |      - % |
|                 GzipProvider_5KBytes | 1000 | 20,492.8 us | 481.45 us | 1,419.57 us | 21,292.6 us |  1.00 |    0.07 | 343.7500 |       - |     - |  5,875 KB | 45.977 % |
|           GzipProviderStream_5KBytes | 1000 | 20,491.4 us | 440.79 us | 1,299.68 us | 20,990.3 us |  1.00 |    0.05 | 343.7500 |       - |     - |  5,828 KB | 46.641 % |


There you have it, some significant reductions in byte allocations by making some tweaks. You maybe wondering... what's the gain over the last articles numbers?

I don't know... since I changed my mind and decided not combine RecyclableMemoryStream with this how-to. Go straight to the third guide to see some really awesome lower allocation counts though combined with the numbers above for reference.

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